Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Breaking News: BP Robots Collide, Forcing Removal of Cap: Oil Gushing at Fastest Pace Yet

Within the past hour, BP has been forced to remove the cap that was the center of much drama earlier this month when they initially cut the tube wide open to fit the cap, which as is the case now, left the gaping hole free to pump out oil at maximum speed without the possibility of any containment whatsoever.
Coast Guard Adm Thad Allen explains that the underwater robot slammed into the venting system damaging key evidence. The collision sent gas rising through the vent, which carries warm water down so that ice-like crystals do not form on the cap. The damage caused by the colliding robot has made the vent ineffective raising the likelihood of an explosion.

Separately, according to Fox: Admiral Allen said two people have been killed in a clean-up effort. More to come as soon as we learn additional details.

Remember you can always view the live PBS video of the Oil Spill on the right hand side of any page on our blog, or at the link above.